Fake Customer Service
We’ve all heard “Welcome to Subway” or “Welcome to Tilly’s” or the like coming from some unseen sales clerk or busy sandwich maker when we walk into a retail store or fast food joint. Could anything be more annoying or patronizing?!? It seems in an effort to improve customer service companies have resorted to mimicking Walmart. But if my memory serves me right, the last thing anybody should be learning from Walmart is customer service techniques. Let’s get this straight, a greeting does not equal customer service. First, there is no service with it, and second, if I can’t see the person’s face saying it or I have to stand in a line to get served after the greeting it is just damn annoying. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind being greeted at a store, but it needs to be genuine and followed up real customer service; maybe helping me find a size instead of talking amongst themselves (but that is another topic). Stop the madness, either offer real customer service or none at all. Faking it does nothing to build your brand and distracts staff from doing real work.